DEAR FELLOW SEEKER OF CA$H PLEASE take some time to read the MLM program I am sharing with you. No!! It is not what you think! You do not have to send $5.00 for a report, or even $1.00 to be placed on a mailing list. This is much different.!!
First of all, it has only 3 levels, not 4, 5 or 6 like other programs. This 3 level program is more realistic and much, much faster. The response rate for this program is very high, so it only asks that you mail 20 copies of it for success (no hundreds like other programs).
You should send them to people who send you their programs because you know yours is better and faster. Even if you are already in a program, try this one. It is quick and simple and only has one page to copy.
Thanks for reading - now read on for details.
NEED EXTRA MONEY?!?!?!?! Let us show you how.....
Jane Nelson tells how she ran this loan program four times last year. The first time she received $3,000 cash and over $7,000 the last three times. When this program is continued, everyone profits!
Just loan one person $5.00 - that�s it! Don�t worry about finance charges or repayment of the money. After the first time, you�ll see how easy it is. And it does work! Follow what to do below, and in two weeks, You�ll have at least $7,000. Remember, you�re loan is only $5.00 dollars!!
WHAT TO DO. On a blank sheet of paper write your name and address and wrap it around a five dollar bill. Send this to the person who�s name is in the #1 position on the list below. Only the first person on the list gets your name and the $5.00 loan. Then remove that name from the list, move the other two up and add your name and address to the third position. If it is easier for you, you may cut and paste the names. Next make at least 20 copies of this program and send it out immediately to 20 or more prospects.
The sooner you do this, the sooner it works! (If you do not have 20 prospects to send to, a company which supplies prospective names in quantities as low as 30 is A.S.K. Discoveries, phone 1-800-456-9609 to order. That�s all there is to it- when your name reaches the first person In a few days, It will be your turn to collect your loans. The loans will be sent to you by about 2,000 people like yourself who are willing to invest $5.00 to receive $7,000 to $8,000 in loans.
Your entire investment (if you mail only 20) will be about $13.00. This includes the $5.00 loan to the #1 position person, $6.40 for postage and about $1.65 for paper and envelopes. VERY INEXPENSIVE when you consider the return on your investment!!!!
Integrity and honesty make this plan work. Be sure you copy this plan entirely and omit nothing. Simply retype or paste the names at the bottom of this page as instructed above. At this time, we are receiving almost 100% return to people participating in the program. The majority have received about $7,000 so far. This is not an illegal chain letter. You may wish to refer to Title 18, Section 1302 of the Postal and Lottery code. If you do not wish to participate, please return this program to the person who sent it to you. This way, the program can continue without you.
PLEASE mail your program as soon as possible! Thank you. Cost: $13.00/ approximate time: 12-15 days/ approximate value: $7,000
1. Larry Hamilton 1300 Lightning Springs Rd. Protem, MO 65733 2. Bill 3229 Harbor View Tampa, FL 33611 3. R.Stoker 815 Howard Street Missoula,MT. 59804

E-Mail me at:
[email protected]